Only dangerous teenagers and hippies dared to trip on magic mushrooms in the past. Not any longer.
Based on two recent studies, magic mushrooms, or the psychedelic drug psilocybin, may have significant benefits for cancer patients experiencing anxiety and depression. One serving gave 80 percent of patients rest from anxiety for six months. Some were still anxiety-free four years later.
According to researchers, magic mushrooms ease anxiety and depression because of the feeling of love and being "one" with everything.
one up mushroom bar
This causes an alteration in the brain, or neuroplasticity. "Studies using MRI imaging show psilocybin adjusts brain activity, making it possible for communication between patches of your brain that normally do not connect. This is considered to be area of the strides people report. inches
Dinah said that at first she felt fear and like she was "tumbling through space. inches After being calmed by the researchers guiding her, she surely could relax and see her fear as a black mass inside her body. She took control and ordered the black mass out, and it gone.
She then inches... started to feel love. I felt like I was being bathed in love and its as overwhelming, amazing, wonderful... The impression of immense love lingered for weeks, and four years later I still feel it at times. My fear and anxiety were completely removed, and they haven't come back... The experience changed how i wanted to live warring... I used to imagine what it would be like if the cancer recurred, but I don't think about it the same way anymore. When i don't feel well and thoughts of a recurrence crunch into my mind, I lack fear and simply think, 'Let's just see what the results are. '"
What Increases Must Come down
Though the benefits of magic mushrooms seem promising, according to Stephen Ross, who led the NYU study, "If someone goes out and does this themselves, they could have enormous anxiety and paranoia, and can feel much worse. Though I'm sympathetic, I'd strongly recommend people not do that. inches
Even in controlled situations, we're still very eager that the benefits of magic mushrooms outweigh the dangers. This reminds us of how some people claim bong hits of medical marijuana have few or no side effects. As much as we didn't want to believe it in our late teens, we now believe all mind-altering drugs negatively affect emotions and mental health, block spiritual growth, and can attract negative entities and spiritual troublemakers. Additionally, it's important to consider the physical complications of consuming mind-altering drugs (and excess alcohol), which can include vitamin/mineral insufficiencies, liver organ problems, cognitive problems, and more.
Alternative to Magic Mushrooms For Depression and Anxiety
Instead of covering up depression and anxiety with medication and suffering the side effects, or using magic mushrooms and risking the possible side effects, how about identifying and dealing with the foundation of the problem?
We've noticed that most problems can have a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual component. Sometimes, when you address the spiritual part, the others are easier to deal with or even disappear.
After using our free Spiritual Detox software for years, daily for time frames (which, like peeling an onion, also removes a layer of negative patterns each time), and observing deep changes in how we feel and our perception and awareness, we are convinced of the great need of clearing ones self of spiritual debris. Whenever we feel anxiety or depression, we take 10 minutes and investigate software out loud. By doing so we call in powerful spiritual helpers from the other side that clear away the unseen trash and we instantly feel better. It's so simple, some people have a hard time believing it until they try it, but it works.
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